Review of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

  • Pages: 457
  • ISBN: 978-0399162411
  • Genre: Science Fiction, YA fiction, novel, Children’s Literature

I don’t care what the stars say about how small we are. One, even the smallest, weakest, most insignificant one, matters.

Hello everyone, And I am back with the review of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. I remember I was excited to pick it up when I heard it was mix of Divergent and Hunger games, etc. And now was the time when I finally read it and let’s see how this book turned out for me.

Let’s get into the overview of the story and then my review below it.

A Little Overview of The Story: Here we have 17 year old Cassie(Cassiopeia Sullivan) we follow her after the 4th wave just takes place, with her father and younger brother- Sammy. Now the 5th wave can take place anytime but to survive for that long, is going to be hard, Cassie has to decide and make all the decisions alone. Because after the 4th wave, you cannot trust nobody honey (that might sound weird but I was trying to make a jingle!) No one knows if the unlucky ones surviving are against you or not.

Throughout her journey to survive this epidemic, Cassie loses hold of Sammy due to some reason. But she realizes that she needs to be with Sammy and starts finding him. But during the hunt, she meets Evan Walker and he is the one who can help Cassie rescue her brother. But should Cassie trust mysterious, hideous Evan Walker in such a situation? Is there a possibility that her only hope will turn against her?

On the other hand, we follow Benjamin Parrish, Cassie’s old classmate from the time when things were normal all around the world. Ben lost his younger sister during one of the waves. And now, he has his own choices to make, that will make him choose sides.

The kid called Zombie, who made a promise and if he breaks the promise, the war is over – not the big war, but the war that matters, the one in the battlefield of his heart.

My Review: In this story, something I really enjoyed was Cassie’s point of view. It was described well, she was brave, all the unknown situations she was experiencing, battling with thoughts in her mind, goofing-up in situations. But I surely wanted more from Evan’s pov too. Ben was a really strong, intense, diverse character to read about. Ben had a beautiful character growth.

Cassie’s relationship with her family was in the book for a short while but those little moments were amazing. I really loved Cassie and Sammy’s relation and even the backstories of other characters like Evan, Ben, Ringer.

The plot was fine, I really enjoyed the characters more in this book. It was typical and I won’t say it blew my mind! And the 5th Wave! No spoilers but I was expecting something different and unique. But never mind, I enjoyed my time reading it. Also I felt pacing was a lot slower in the middle section, I forced myself to read it just because I wanted to know what the 5th wave will be; and also because of some characters I continued. Honestly if not for Ben, I wouldn’t have completed it. I was just dragging myself to complete some parts.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I’m not sure if I will pick up the next book in the series. But let’s see! I give this book a 3 (maybe 2.5) out of 5 stars.


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